WVPA (India)

The World Veterinary Poultry Association

Email the

WVPA(India) Joint Secretary(cum PRO)

Dr Barman dr.barman@gmail.com

Welcome to the World Veterinary Poultry Association, India

The World Veterinary Poultry Association-India is a national professional body for poultry veterinarians and poultry professionals for the benefit of Indian Poultry industry. The objective of the Association to bring the academician, researchers, industry professionals to a common platform for discussion and exchange of ideas amongst those engaged in veterinary aspects of poultry health, welfare, disease, husbandry and food safety.

The Association shall hold not less than one meetings each year, one of which shall be linked to the Annual General Meeting.

A Global Success for WVPA

The XXth WVPA Congress, which was recently held in Edinburgh, Scotland, was a great success with over 2,150 delegates from 80 countries attending. They listened to 160 papers and viewed over 350 posters.

This year’s WVPA-Zoetis Young Poultry Veterinarian Award went to Dr Gowthaman Vasudevan from India, while Prof. Dr Nikolaus Osterrieder from Germany received the WVPA-Boehringer-Ingelheim Innovation in Vaccination Award. All regions of the world were well represented.

The delegates worked intensely during the four days of lectures and also had time to visit the trade exhibition. The highlight of the social programme was the Gala Dinner that was held in the National Museum of Scotland.

The Next WVPA Congress will be held in Bangkok in 2019 you can visit the WVPA2019 site using the button below

WVPA India Conference - 2023

24-25 Feb, 2023 | Jabalpur, India

Register Now

XXIInd World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) Congress

04-08 Sep, 2023 | Verona, Italy

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